The Brigham Monument
The eight Texians who died in battle or shortly thereafter were buried on the battlefield. The graves, with the exception of that of Benjamin R. Brigham which had a headstone, were marked by wooden stakes. When a 15 ½-foot marble shaft was erected on the graves in 1881, that of Brigham was the only one that could be located, as the stakes had decayed. The other graves were known to be situated in a row next to Brigham’s grave. The obelisk lists the men buried nearby, as well as the name of a ninth man, who died less than a month after the battle: Benjamin Rice Brigham, Lemuel Stockton Blakey, John C. Hale, George A. Lamb, Dr. Wm. Junius Mottley, Mathias Cooper, Thomas Patton Fowle, Ashley R. Stephens, and Olwyn J. Trask. A number of other markers from the second half of the 19th century and early 20th century are nearby.