Mosquito Protection

IN HER DIARY ENTRY FROM JUNE 1836, young Dilue Harris recounted the words of men returning from construction work on the planned city of Houston: “They took our teasing in good part and said they were thankful to get home alive. They said the mosquitoes were as large as grasshoppers, and that to get away from them they went bathing.”

Mosquitoes were a common and deadly presence in the areas surrounding the Bayou City, including at the nearby San Jacinto Battleground. The tiny insects posed a huge threat in the form of disease transmission. Mosquito-borne illnesses such as yellow fever and malaria could devastate populations. Although modern technology has improved our ability to contend with such diseases, mosquitoes and the viruses transmitted through their bites still pose a threat to people throughout Harris County.

The Harris County Mosquito & Vector Control Division will be at the San Jacinto Monument to share important information about mosquito protection and bite prevention. Come and learn more about one of humanity's deadliest predators, at the San Jacinto Battleground!