- Admission
- Hours and Directions
- Group Visits and Field Trips
- Things To Do
- Accessibility
- Calendar
- Cycling Saturdays
- Bird Watching at the Battleground
- Thank You, Veterans
- Texas Forever!! The Battle of San Jacinto
- Exhibit Opening - After the Battle of San Jacinto
- San Jacinto Ceremony
- Family Day
- Candy Cartridges
- Battleground Bike Tour
- San Jacinto Celebration 2023
- Battleground Van Tour
- Feeding an Army
- Musket and Cannon Demo
- Make a Cup & Ball Toy
- Knit in Public Day
- Lecture: San Jacinto - The Experience of Battle
- Texas Revolution Touch Table
- Make a Buzzsaw Toy
- Lecture: The Yellow Rose of Texas
- Ammo of the Texas Revolution
- Join the Texian Army!
- The Past, Present, and Future of San Jacinto
- Foraging San Jacinto
- 2024 San Jacinto Texas Independence Fun Run
- Life on the Frontier: Butter Churning
- Lecture: Houston Deco
- Surviving the Runaway Scrape
- Celebrating the Lone Star
- Museum Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
- Make Your Own Corn Husk Doll
- Lecture: Houston, Military Traditions, and San Jacinto
- Fall Fandango - Cancelled
- Special Exhibit: A Monumental Experience
- Lobby Exhibit: The Texas Navy
- Lobby Exhibit: The French in Texas
- After the Battle of San Jacinto
- Life on the Frontier: Spinning and Weaving
- Texas Revolution Hats
- Life on the Frontier: Medicine Making
- Make a Cartridge Box
- A Yellow Rose in Texas
- Dirt Detectives
- San Jacinto Fall Fandango
- Lecture: The Road to San Jacinto
- Texas Revolution Paper Dolls
- Tales from the Tombstone: Candlelight Graveyard Tours
- Museum Closed for Thanksgiving
- Scenes From San Jacinto
- Demonstration Day - Butter Churning
- Demonstration Day - Haversack Packing
- Picture Yourself at San Jacinto
- Spinning and Weaving
- Career Day - Educator
- 2024 San Jacinto Day Celebration
- Lecture: Myths, Mistakes, and Misunderstandings
- Who Was the Yellow Rose?
- Career Day: Curator
- Butter Churning
- The Threads of Revolution
- Come and Give It!
- Quill and Ink
- Camp Life: Laundry
- Flags of the Texas Revolution
- Demo Day: Tortilla Making
- Boom: Cannon Demonstration
- Spring Break Programs
- Lecture: Gender and the Runaway Scrape
- Candle Making
- Experience San Jacinto
- La Porte Free Thursdays
- Frontier Toy Touch Table
- Flag Day Flag Making
- Picnic at the Park Day
- Picnic at the Park Day
- Demo Day: Drop Spindle Spinning
- Demo Day: Ink Making
- Talk in an Elevator Day
- Fire! Arms Demo
- Lecture: The Texas Navy and San Jacinto
- National Coloring Book Day
- National Sons and Daughters Day
- Demo Day: Battlefield Medicine
- Camp Life: Breadmaking
- Corn Husk Angels
- World Letter Writing Day
- Demo Day: Battle Beats
- Read a Book Day
- Archeology Info Table
- Demo Day: Camp Kitchen
- Demo Day: Fire Making
- Mosquito Protection
- Texian Navy Day
- Lecture: San Jacinto and the DRT
- Member Appreciation Night
- The Yellow Rose of Texas: Myth and Fact
- Bulletmaking
- Pocket Portraits
- Make a Monument
- Medicine Making
- Badges, Buckles, and Buttons
- Scenes of San Jacinto
- Make a Shako
- Take Home Shellstone
- San Jacinto Day Celebration
- San Jacinto Texas Independence Fun Run
- Battle Beats: Music of the March
- SPARK!: Picture Yourself at San Jacinto
- Threads of the Revolution: Uniforms
- Frontier Fun: Games of the Frontier
- Take it With You: Haversack Packing
- Scenes From San Jacinto: Dioramas
- Until the Sun Set
- Membership Luncheon
- Lecture: Undertold Texas
- Lecture: Brave Boy and a Good Soldier
- Memory and the Battleground Van Tour
- Black Powder Weapons Touch Table
- Frontier Medicine Touch Table
- San Jacinto School Day