The San Jacinto Battleground and Museum will open at 12:00 on Wednesday, January 22.

Part of an old map of the San Jacinto area from the Texas Revolution

Video Library

Epic Tales of San Jacinto: A Video Gallery

Discover the rich history of the San Jacinto Museum and Battlefield with our collection of exclusive videos. Featuring luminaries and scholars like Dr. Stephen L. Hardin, The Honorable Ken Wise, Dr. Donald Fraser, and Nancy Burch, the descendant of Sam Houston, this collection offers insightful narratives and analysis about this historic site. Each video tells a chapter of the captivating story of San Jacinto's past battles, heroes, and legacy. Ideal for historians, scholars, students or curious visitors, our video collection serves as an engaging journey through history.


Dr. Donald Frazier talks about Sam Houston’s doubts and decisiveness.

“The slaughter continued much longer...”
Dr. Steven L. Hardin describes the challenges of taking prisoners and the capture of Santa Anna.

“Burleson led the infantry that charged the Mexican army...”
The Honorable Ken Wise provides a brief biographical sketch of Edward Burleson.

“Hockley commanded the artillery—such as it was.”
The Honorable Ken Wise provides a brief biographical sketch of George Washington Hockley.

“Millard led an infantry company during the battle.”
The Honorable Ken Wise provides a brief biographical sketch of Henry Millard.

“One of the most decisive battle in human history.”
Dr. Donald Frazier explains the far-reaching impact of the battle.

Origin of granite markers.
Nancy Burch explains how the battlefield’s markers were placed.

Mexican Siesta: History or Fiction?
Dr. Stephen L. Hardin examines the story of the Mexicans being surprised while on siesta.

“Mule of the Republic.”
Dr. Donald Frazier considers the mindset of the average Mexican soldado.

The Long Shadow
Dr. Donald Frazier outlines the chain of major events that started with the Battle of San Jacinto.

“Their skeletal remains lay upon the field...”
Dr. Donald Frazier describes the macabre picnics that visitors held for years after the battle.

“He had to figure out how to play it just right.”
Dr. Donald Frazier talks about Sam Houston’s doubts and decisiveness.

“He had to find a place where he could win.”
Nancy Burch describes Sam Houston’s mindset during the 1836 campaign.

Two Monuments
The Honorable Ken Wise describes how the Brigham Monument and the San Jacinto Monument came to be.

“He saw his friends slaughtered at the Alamo...”
Dr. Donald Frazier describes Juan Seguin’s role in the battle.

“He led the first attack...”
The Honorable Ken Wise provides a brief biographical sketch of Sidney Sherman.

“Free men fighting against the minions of tyranny...”
The Honorable Ken Wise provides a brief biographical sketch of Thomas Rusk.

“One of the most lopsided victories in all of military history...”
Dr. Stephen L. Hardin how Sam Houston was able to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

The Fate of Mexican POWs
Dr. Stephen L. Hardin describes what happened to the Mexian prisoners after the war.

Why here?
Dr. Stephen L. Hardin describes how the opposing armies found themselves facing each other at San Jacinto.