Veteran Bio
The Kemp Sketch
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STEPHENS, ASHLEY R. -- Born in Wayne County, North Carolina in 1808. On page 89, Book A, list of applicants for land in Austin's colonies A. R. Stevens stated that he came to Texas from Tennessee in February, 1831. Ashley R. Stevens received title to a league of land in Austin's Second Colony, November 22, 1832, situated in what are now Washington and Lee Counties. Headright Certificate No. 176 for one labor of land was issued in the name of A. R. Stevens, but delivered to his heirs, September 5, 1839 by the Board of Land Commissioners for Washington County. In the certificate it is simply stated that he came to Texas before March 2, 1836.
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The name A. R. Stevens is listed on page 15 of the San Jacinto rolls printed in 1836 as Second Corporal of Captain William W. Hill's Company. On page 6 of the rolls A. R. Stephens is listed among those who were wounded in the battle.
Colonel John M. Swisher in his published memoirs in writing of Mr. Stephens said "....Ashly R. Stephens, another member of our Company, was wounded - shot through the calf of both legs - no bones were broken and we looked upon his wounds as being slight, yet he died on the ninth day afterwards."
The following information pertaining to Mr. Stephens is found on an original roll of Captain Hill's Company at muster April 11, 1836. A photostatic copy of the roll is in the Archives of the State Library. Mr. Stephens is shown to have been born in Wayne County, North Carolina in 1808. He was described as being five feet, ten and one half inches high, of dark complexion with black eyes and black hair. He was enlisted at the home of Asa Mitchell's by Captain Joseph P. Lynch. He was a farmer.
William W. Hawkins, a brother-in-law of Mr. Stephens was appointed administrator of his estate in Washington County, February 22, 1837. His estate received Bounty Certificate No. 9084 for 960 acres of land issued in the name of A. R. Stevens, due him for his services in the army from March 1 to April 29, 1836, and for having died in the service, and Donation Certificate No. 863 on May 2, 1839 for 640 acres issued in the name of A. R. Stevens due him for having participated in the battle of San Jacinto.
Mr. Stephens was married to a Miss Hawkins, sister of William W. Hawkins, a San Jacinto Veteran. Mrs. Stephens evidently died before her husband did. The Probate Records of Washington County show that Adolphus Hope and Thomas S. Saul were appointed guardians of their son, John Stephens, September 25, 1837.
Following is the inventory of Mr. Stephens estate: 1 Gray Mare, $20.; 1 Brown Mare, $25.; 1 yoke of 4 yrs. old oxen, $40.; 2 three years old steers, $25.; 1 cow and calf, $10.; 2 cows, $16.; 2 yearlings $6.; 2 gilt sows, $6.; 2 shoats, 1 year old, $9.; 1 rifle, $20.; 2 two years old heifers, $18.; 1 lot of tools, $7.; 1 bell, $3.; 3 plow and shoes, $3.; 1 metal pot, $3.; 1 grindstone, $2.50; 355 1/2 acres of land of the one-fourth of a league granted to Nicholas Whitehead, $355.50. Total $619.00.
Written by Louis W. Kemp, between 1930 and 1952. Please note that typographical and factual errors have not been corrected from the original sketches. The biographies have been scanned from the original typescripts, a process that sometimes allows for mistakes in the new text. Researchers should verify the accuracy of the texts' contents through other sources before quoting in publications. Additional information on the veteran may be available in the Herzstein Library.
Battle Statistics
- Died in Battle: No - but died from wounds received.
- Wounded in Battle: Yes - shot through the calf of both legs; died from wounds.
- Rank: Second Sergeant
- Company: Lieut. Robert Stevenson
Personal Statistics
- Alternate Names: Stevens, Stephanes
- Date of Birth: 1808
- Birthplace: North Carolina, Wayne County
- Origin: Tennessee
- Came to Texas: 1831 Feb
- Date of Death: 1836 Apr 29
- Burial Place: San Jacinto Battleground
- Bounty Certificate: 9084
- Donation Certificate: 863
- Profession: Farmer
- Wife: Miss Hawkins
- Children: John Stephens
- Family at San Jacinto: Brother-in-law William W. Hawkins fought at San Jacinto
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