Veteran Bio
The Kemp Sketch
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ROUNDS, LYMAN FRANK -- Born in Huntington, Vermont, August 2, 1807 and came to Texas in 1835. In a Service Record signed by Lieutenant Jacob Snively at the San Jacinto Battlefield, April 28, 1836, the following information is found: He was five feet and one-half inches in height; of dark complexion; had grey eyes; dark brown hair and a Roman nose. By vocation, he was a carpenter. He was enlisted at San Augustine by Lieutenant Stansberry on about January 1, 1836 and on January 19th he was assigned to Captain Henry Teal's Company at Nacogdoches as First Sergeant. On April 28th, he was promoted to Second Lieutenant and placed on detached service in Captain W. E. Howth's Company. He resigned his commission on September 15, 1836 while Quartermaster and Commissary for the Battalion composed of Companies A, B, E, and I, of the Regulars stationed at Victoria. He received Bounty Certificate No. 17 for 1280 acres of land for having served in the Army from January 19 to September 1, 1836. On June 25, 1838 he was issued a Headright Certificate for one-third of a league of land by the San Augustine County Board of Land Commissioners and in it is stated that he came to Texas in 1835. He did not apply for the land due him for having participated in the Battle of San Jacinto.
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At the outbreak of the Mexican War, Mr. Rounds entered the United States Army. After the conflict, he was stationed at Camp Belknap in Fort Smith, Arkansas as Ordinance Sergeant. In 1849 he moved to the Indian Territory and in 1849 was married there to Mrs. A. Carson, a sister-in-law of the famous Kit Carson. In time he returned to Fort Smith, Arkansas and lived there for a number of years at the home of his son, Frank. In 1878, he moved to what -was then Erin Springs, Indian Territory and died there January i6, 1890.
Mrs. Virgil Suggs, a granddaughter of Mr. Rounds, lived in Fort Smith, Arkansas and it was from the family Bible in her possession that the dates of the birth and death of Mr. Rounds were obtained.
In 1875, Mr. Rounds applied for, and received a pension from the State of Texas for his services in the Army of the Republic. Following are copies of some of the affidavits made in connection with his claims. They are from File No. 1062 of the Pension Papers kept in the State Library at Austin.
"I hereby certify that Lyman F. Rounds, a Sergeant of Capt. Henry Teal's Company A., 1st Regt Texas Infantry, born in Monkton in the state of Vermont; aged 27 years; five feet 8 1/2 inches high, dark complexion, grey eyes, dark brown hair, Roman nose, and by profession a Carpenter: was enlisted by Lieut Stansberry at San Augustine on the 19th day of January 1836 to serve for and during the present war, and having served honorably and faithfully to this present date is now discharged by reason of Promotion in the same Company and Regt.
The said Lyman F. Rounds has received no pay or Bount(y) and he is entitled to pay and subsistence to the place of his enlistment and whatever allowances are authorized by Law to soldiers so discharged, the said L F. Rounds has received clothing to the amount &17 50/100 from Government.
Given in Duplicates at San Jacinto this 28th April, 1836.
J. Snively
Lt Comg A Compy."
"The State of Texas) County of San Augustine) Before the undersigned authority this day personally appeared Lemuel W. Gilliam, to me well known, and whom I certify to be a good Trustworthy and reliable and credible citizen for many years of the County and state aforesaid, and after being duly sworn, according to Law, deposes and says, That he is now Sixty-Four years of age, has resided in the County of San Augustine Texas, since the 1st day of March A D 1836, affiant stated that he is now a Pensioner, under the Law granting Pensions to the surviving veterans of the Revolution which separated Texas from Mexico, appeared 13th Augt 1870: and on the 21st April 1874, affiant stated that he is by profession a Carpenter, And he further represents that he is now, and has been personally and well acquainted with Lyman. F. Rounds, now a citizen of Fort Smith, Arkans. and an applicant for Pension from the Government of Texas under the same Law, which the affiant is now a pensioner himself -- since about the 30th day of Augt A D 1836 -- affiant stated that the said applicant, Lyman. F. Rounds, worked with him in his shop in the Town of San Augustine in year A D 1836 & 1837, and the affiant stated that the said applicant Lyman F Rounds is the very same identical Lyman F Rounds who was a member of Capt Henry Teels Company in the Spring of A. D. 1836 in the Revolution which separated Texas from Mexico -- and affiant states that he is the same identical Lyman F. Rounds who received a discharge at San Jacinto in the month of April A D 1836, and which discharge remained in the Clerks Office of San Augustine County Texas -- until recently, and which discharge affiant stated he is informed and believes is now on File with the application of said Rounds for pension and affiant states further that the said applicant Lyman F Rounds, is the same identical Lyman F. Rounds to whom a Bounty Warrant No. 17 for 1280 acres of Land was issued by Barnard. B. Bee, then secretary of war, and affiant states that he is of no kin whatever to the affiant, and has no interest at all in his claim for Pension, but only make this statement that justice may be done to the applicant Lyman F. Rounds.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 24th day of March L. W. Gilliam A. D. 1875
In Testimony whereof witness my hand and seal SEAL of office in the Town of San Augustine, Texas, ( day and date above W. H. Crouch --
__________________________________________ District Clerk of San Augustine County Texas"
"To C. R, Johns & Company
Austin, Texas Fort Smith Ark
December 13th 1874
Dear Sir
Yours of the 27th Ulto: was received yesterday, and in reply I would state that I wrote to the Adjt General of Texas on the 30th of August, last, and reced a reply dated Sept 12th enclosing a circular from the Comptroller. I did not know at the time of writing, about the Pension Law of 1870, in fact I simply wrote to him for information whether there was anything coming to the old veterans of the Texan Army. I have not engaged any one to attend to this matter, and wish you would attend to it, the terms you propose will suit me, let me know what I can do in the case. I suppose you will want an affidavit as to my identity. I joined the Texan Army on the 1st of January 1836 at San Augustine under Lieut Stanbury Recruiting Officer at that place. I was made Sergt. from enlistment, a few days after enlisting General Houston and Capt Henry Teal came to the Rendezvous, they wished me to join Capt Teal's Company at Nacogdoches, which I did. In March we left there to reinforce Col Travis at the Alamo, but while Capt. Teal and myself was standing in the Hall of the Convention then sitting at Washington on the Brazos, a courier arrived with the news that Travis and his whole party had been captured and cut to pieces. We then marched and joined Houston on the Colorado. Gen'l Sesma at this time being on the opposite side of the River three miles from us with 3000 Mexican troops, from here we fell back where San Felipe de Austin had stood, turned up the Brazos and encamped in a cane brake opposite Groce's plantation, where we lay about two weeks, when we moved; crossed the River on the Steamer Yellow Stone, proceeded to Buffalo Bayou opposite to where Harrisburg had stood. While here Deaf Smith captured a Mexican Courier giving us the information that Santa Anna was not far from us. On the 18th of April Capt Teal was taken sick with the measles, Capt Andrew Briscoe was assigned to Co. "A" (the one I belonged to) until Capt Teals recovery. The night of the 19th we crossed the Bayou some little distance below Camp on Rafts. On the morning of the 20th took up our march towards the coast; about 10 A. M. shots exchanged by the advance guards of us and Santa Anna' s Column. We advanced, crossed the Bridge on Vince' s Bayou. When Gen'l Houston ordered the Bridge destroyed, we kept the Road towards Lynches Ferry and when the Head of Houstons Column reached the Ferry Santa Anna' s forces came in sight in our rear. Houston fell back about a mile on the bank of Buffalo Bayou sheltered by a crowing piece of timberland. We lay here until about 4 o'clock P. M. 21st of April when we formed to make the attack, now although an admirer of Genl Houston, I think he made a rather unmilitary movement in making the attack he formed in double file, marched at a right angle on the enemies left until within musket range, filed to right by flank, so that our Co. (A) had to march the entire length of the Mexicans line under fire, before we could face to the front and return their fire, but nevertheless in twenty minutes we had them on the run and before the sun down we stretched eight hundred of (them) on the field never to rise again. On the 22d. as I was returning from the Battlefield to camp I was presented with a 2d Lieut Commission by Thos. J. Rusk, then Secy. of War.
I was detailed to collect the remains of Col. Fannin and his men at Goliad, and was one of the Pall Bearers at their Burial. So if you can succeed in my case about the Pension it will be gratefully received.
Now about the Property question. I own a piece of land, but am too old to work it, and unable to hire it done, it is as much as I can do to get money to pay my taxes. Will you please inform me how to proceed in the case, and if you are successful in getting the Pension let me know how much I shall have to pay at Austin for the issuing papers
Respectfully yours
Lyman F. Rounds.
P. S. - I Resigned my Commission of the 15th of September 1836 while encamped near Victoria, Gen'l Thos J. Rusk, Comdg. I was then act'g Quarter Master & Commissary for the Battalion A. B. E. and I Cos Regular.
L. F. Rounds."
"The State of Arkansas) County of Sebastian) Before the undersigned authority this day personally appeared Lyman F. Rounds to me well known, and after being duly Sworn according to Law, deposes and says that he was born in Addison County in the state of Vermont. That he is now sixty-seven years of age, and that he emigrated to Texas in the year A D 1836, and that he is the same identical Lyman F. Rounds, who enlisted and joined the Company of Captain Henry Teal in the Town of Nacogdoches Texas, in the month of January 1836. That Captain Teal Commanded Company A of the Regulars, and that he was First Sergeant in said Company, and that the said Company were in the service of the people of Texas in the Revolution which separated Texas from Mexico, affiants stated that he and his Company were in the Battle of San Jacinto, on the 21st day of April 1836. and that his Company was Commanded that day by Captain Andrew Briscoe, Captain Teal being sick with the measels, affiant stated that on the Battle Field on the 22nd day of April A D 1836. he was presented with, and accepted a 2nd Lieutenants Commission, and that the same was presented to him by Thomas J Rusk, at that time Secretary of War, affiant further stated that he resigned his Commission on the 15th day of September A D 1836 while encamped near Victoria, Genl Thomas J. Rusk Commanding, and that at the time of his resignation, he was action Quarter Master and Commissary for the Battalion, composed of Companies A. B. E. & I. Regulars. And affiant states that he is the same identical Lyman F. Rounds to whom a Bounty or Donation for _____ acres of Land _____ No _____ issued by the Government of Texas for military services rendered the People of Texas between the 1st day of January 1832 and the 15th day of October A D 1836, and affiant states that he makes this affidavit and application, that he may receive the benifits of the Pension Laws of the state of Texas, approved respectively 13th August 1870 and the 21st April 1874 granting Pensions to the surviving veterans of the Revolution which separated Texas from Mexico. In conclusion affiant states that this is his first application for pension, under the said Laws, and that he is a resident citizen of Fort Smith Ark.
Sworn to and subscribed before me) on this the 11th day of January A Lyman F. Rounds 1875)
( In Testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of office in the ( Town of Fort Smith day and date ) above P. K. Roots Notary Public
The following are extracts from newspapers published at the of Mr. Rounds' death:
Smith (Arkansas) Elevator of January 24, 1890:
"Sergeant Frank Rounds died recently at Erin Springs, Chicasaw nation, aged 83 years. His service in the Mexican war was vallant and he was rewarded for his gallant conduct in the battle of San Jacinto.
"Later on in life he was a recipient of a large and valuable tract of land in the Lone Star State besides a liberal pension as survivor of San Jacinto, which gave him a competince for declining years.
"He also distinguished himself in the Mexican war, being a soldier of the regular army. For years he was ordinance sergeant at the post of Fort Smith, a position he held long after the war and some time after the fort was abandoned, and afterwards got a little fortune in Texas. He resided for a number of years with his son Frank jr. in Fort Smith."
Fort Smith (Arkansas) Elevator of February 7, 1890, copied from the Territorial Topic:
"Lyman F. Rounds was born August 2, 1807. Immigrated to Texas in the early years of his manhood. Enlisted in Capt. Teal's company, 1st regiment, Texas infantry as first sergeant, Jan. 1, 1836, thus identifying himself with the pioneer dwellers sharing alike their dangers and priviliges, their horrors and victories. He formed a scouting party selected to bring the remains of Gen. Fannin and his men, the martyrs of Mexican treachery, the bloody holocust of Goliad, Texas.
"Again in the far famed battle of San Jacinto which forever sundered the chains of tyranny his bravery soon won for him the commission of Second lieutenant and with the broken brand revealed into a victory wrought with patriotic toil, sheathed with his sword and bore from the din of battle full many a scar which is the soldier's badge of honor.
"During the Mexican war, Gen. Taylor called for volunteers. Sergeant Rounds was among the first to respond. Shoulder to shoulder with his brother comrades marched to the roll of the drum. Through 35 years of shot and shell he served for his country's glory but now lies lifeless.
"In 1849 he went to the Indian Territory and in 1854 married Mrs. A. Carson, a sister-in-law of the famous Kit Carson. During the past 12 years has lived in Erin Springs, Chicasaw nation, much beloved and respected by all who knew him."
Written by Louis W. Kemp, between 1930 and 1952. Please note that typographical and factual errors have not been corrected from the original sketches. The biographies have been scanned from the original typescripts, a process that sometimes allows for mistakes in the new text. Researchers should verify the accuracy of the texts' contents through other sources before quoting in publications. Additional information on the veteran may be available in the Herzstein Library.
Battle Statistics
- Died in Battle: No
- Rank: First Sergeant
- Company: Capt. Andrew Briscoe
- Battle Account: Letter to C. R. Johns Dec. 13, 1874, transcript in Kemp biography, original may be in Pension Papers, State Library.
Personal Statistics
- Date of Birth: 1807 Aug 2
- Birthplace: Vermont, Huntingten
- Came to Texas: 1835
- Date of Death: 1890 Jan 16
- Comments: Mexican War
- Bounty Certificate: 17
- Profession: Carpenter
- Wife: A. Carson
- Children: Frank Rounds
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