The San Jacinto Museum and the San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site is open regular hours beginning Saturday, July 13, 2024.

Part of an old map of the San Jacinto area from the Texas Revolution

Veteran Bio

Texian Location:  Participant

The Kemp Sketch

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ROEDER, LOUIS von -- Born in Olenburg, Germany, October 24, 1806, son of Ludwig Sigsmund Anton and Caroline Louise (Sack) von Roeder.

In 1834, Ludwig von Roeder, who had been an Officer in the German Army, was induced by Frederick Ernst of Industry, Texas to emigrate to Texas with his family, kin and some of their friends. It was decided that some of the unmarried members of the groups be sent ahead to select a place for all to later assemble. The advance party consisted of Louis, Albrecht and Joachin von Roeder, their sister, Valesca and a servant. On September 30, 1834, the main body set sail on the sloop Congress, commanded by Captain J. Adams. In the party were Ludwig S. von Roeder, Mrs. von Roeder and their children, Louise and Caroline von Roeder; Mrs. Otto von Roeder; Robert J. Kleberg and wife; Antionette von Donop; John Reineman and family; William Frels and others. After a voyage of sixty days, they reached New Orleans where they remained for two weeks and then set sail on the schooner Sabine for Brazoria. On December 22nd, the vessel was wrecked off Galveston Island. After a long delay and perilous journey, the passengers reached their destination.

Louis and Albrecht von Roeder, when found by their relatives, were in a hut fourteen miles from San Felipe de Austin. They were emaciated by disease due to exposure and lack of nourishment. Joachin and Valesca had died.

Albrecht and Louis von Roeder participated in the Storming and Capture of Bexar, December 5 to 10, 1835, as members of Captain John York's Company. For this service, the heirs of Louis received Donation Certificate No. 43 for 640 acres of land, September 4, 1846. At the same time, he received Bounty Certificate No. 114 for 320 acres of land for his services in the army from November 3 to December 13, 1835, and Bounty Certificate No. 3722 for 320 acres of land for his services from March 1 to June 1, 1836. Mr. von Roeder was a member of Captain Moseley Baker's Company at San Jacinto. Mr. von Roeder in 1837 was married to Caroline Ernst, daughter of Frederick Ernst. Mr. von Roeder died in Meyersville, De Witt County, July 19, 1840. His widow eventually married his brother Albrecht. She died February 2, 1904 at Lockhart.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis von Roeder had but one child, a daughter, Caroline Louise von Roeder, who married Carl Wundt.

Children of Mr. and Mrs. Wundt were Carl Julius and Caroline Marie Wundt.

Carl Julius Wundt was married to Minna Boortz. They had five children.

Caroline Marie Wundt was married to Otto Bniz and they had four children.

Mr. Benno G. von Roeder of Houston was a grandson of Louis von Roeder.

Note: Albrecht applied Feb. 23, 1836 Texas 1834, Page 103 Book B

No. 31.

Republic of Texas)
County of Austin.) Know all persons by these presents that I, Louis von Roeder of this County do by these presents sell, alienate and convey unto Charles Armsler, a resident citizen of this County, two-thirds of a league of land for the considerate sum of $5000.00 to me in hand paid for the following described land, to wit -

Being the two extreme thirds of the league of land that the said Roeder sells lying and being in this County and on the road that leads from this place to Bruant Daughtry's, known and called the Daughtery Road and being on the western waters of Mill Creek about fifteen miles from San Felipe, being two-thirds of the league that the said two-thirds that I sell is to comprise the North-east and South-west thirds -- provided that an equal division of said league of land into three parts should it by running parallel with the original lines be so divided as to include the Vendors and Vendees present improvements and houses.

But should an equal third taken off from the south part of the said league not embrace the said Armsler present improvements then the lines are so to be run in the same manner and extended on the middle third so far as may be sufficient to embrace the said Armslers present improvement and in that event that a part of said middle third is taken by the said Armsler to embrace his improvement then he is to have less that amount on the Northern third of said league of land and should the middle third not embrace my improvement then in that case, I resume the right of running the lines or extending the lines in the same direction so as to embrace my improvement and the said Armsler is to extend the lines of his southern third upon the middle third on to his northern third.

All of which I transfer and sell for my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns unto Charles Armsler, his heirs, executors, administrators and assign forever in foe simple to use and enjoy and dispose of as his own all of which I guarantee against all lawful claims and claimants whatsoever.

All of which I declare and sign in the presence of the under-signed witnesses who sign with me this the 21st. day of October 1837.

Witness Louis von Roeder.

John B. Johnson W. C. Polke

Republic of Texas) County of Austin) I certify that on this 21st day of October 1837, Louis von Roeder signed the foregoing instrument in my presence for the purposes therein expressed.

Town of Austin, 21st October 1837.

Jno. B. Johnson, C. C. C.

Entered and filed for record in this office 21st October 1837, Town of Austin 7th November 1837 -

Joseph H. Barnard, County Recorder Pro Tem

The State of Texas)
County of Austin) I, Ed Batla, Clerk, County Court, Austin County, Texas do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Deed from Louis Von Roeder to Charles Armsler, as the same appears on record in my office, in Volume A, pages 50 - 51 - 52, Deed Records of Austin County, Texas.

Given under my hand and seal of office, on this the 5th. day of May, A. D. 1937.

Ed Batla, Clerk, County Court, Austin County, Texas By Lawrence Dittert, Deputy.

(Note: Name of Mr. Amslor is spelled Armsler in error.)

Written by Louis W. Kemp, between 1930 and 1952. Please note that typographical and factual errors have not been corrected from the original sketches. The biographies have been scanned from the original typescripts, a process that sometimes allows for mistakes in the new text. Researchers should verify the accuracy of the texts' contents through other sources before quoting in publications. Additional information on the veteran may be available in the Herzstein Library.

Battle Statistics

  • Died in Battle: No
  • Rank: Private
  • Company: Capt. Moseley Baker

Personal Statistics

  • Alternate Names: Rorder, Carl Ludwic Socrates,
  • Date of Birth: 1806 Oct 24
  • Birthplace: Germany, Olenburg
  • Came to Texas: 1834 July
  • Date of Death: 1840 Jul 19
  • Other Battles: Bexar
  • Bounty Certificate: 3722
  • Wife: Caroline Ernst von Roeder von Roeder von Hinueber
  • Children: Caroline Louise von Roeder Wundt