Veteran Bio
The Kemp Sketch
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OWNSBY, JAMES P. -- Arrived at Velasco January 28, 1836, on the schooner Pennsylvania, having been recruited in New Orleans for the army of Texas by Captain Amasa Turner. His name appears on page 27 on a roll in the General Land Office as a member of Captain John Hart's Company at muster at Velasco, January 29, 1836. Captain Roman succeeded Captain Hart as commander of the company and Mr. Ownsby served in Captain Roman's Company at San Jacinto. On June 9, 1838, Bounty Certificate No. 3769 was issued in his name, but assigned to Sidney F. Collins, for 1280 acres of land for his services in the army from January 29, 1836, to January 31, 1837.
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Mr. Ownsby, like many of the men of Captain Roman's Company, probably left Texas shortly after the expiration of his service in the army. He did not apply for a Headright or for the land due him for having participated in the battle of San Jacinto.
Note: Shown on the Convention election returns as J. P. Ownby.
OWNSBY, JAMES P. -- Arrived in Texas January 28, 1836, as is stated in Headright Certificate No. 47 for one-third of a league, of land issued to him in 1838 by the Board of Land Commissioners for Harrisburg County. (Clerk's Return Book A, General Land Office). As a matter of fact, be had arrived at Velasco January 28, 1836 on the schooner Pennsylvania, having been recruited in New Orleans for the army by Captain Amasa Turner. On January 6, 1838 James Wharton testified that he had arrived in Texas on the same boat with Mr. Ownsby (Page 17, Harrisburg Headright Book in the General Land Office, Austin).
Although Mr. Ownsby did not reach Velasco until January 28, 1836, he voted in the election held February 1 throughout Texas to select delegates to the Constitutional Convention to be held at Washington-on-the-Brazos. (Election returns, Archives, Texas State Library, Austin).
Mr. Ownsby's name appears on page 27 of the army rolls in the General Land Office as a member of Captain John Hart's company at Velasco, January 29, 1836. Captain Roman succeeded Captain Hart as commander of the company and Mr. Ownsby served Captain Roman's Company at San Jacinto. On June 9, 1838, Bounty Certificate No. 3769 for 1280 acres of land was issued in his name, but assigned to Sidney E. Collins, for his services in the army from January 29, 1836, to January 31, 1837.
Written by Louis W. Kemp, between 1930 and 1952. Please note that typographical and factual errors have not been corrected from the original sketches. The biographies have been scanned from the original typescripts, a process that sometimes allows for mistakes in the new text. Researchers should verify the accuracy of the texts' contents through other sources before quoting in publications. Additional information on the veteran may be available in the Herzstein Library.
Battle Statistics
- Died in Battle: No
- Rank: Private
- Company: Capt. Richard Roman
Personal Statistics
- Alternate Names: Ownby
- Origin: Louisiana
- Came to Texas: 1836 Jan 28
- Comments: May have fought in the U.S.-Mexican War.
- Bounty Certificate: 3769
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