Veteran Bio
The Kemp Sketch
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MILLETT, SAMUEL -- Born in Maine in 1799. In his application for land in Austin's colonies he stated that he had arrived "in this colony April, 1831." (Lamb says 1827) On his headstone at his grave it is inscribed that he came to Texas in 1827. In the Headright Certificate issued to him for one labor of land by the Board of Land Commissioners for Harrisburg County, February 9, 1838 it is stated that he arrived in Texas in 1834. He had received title to one league of land in Austin's Second Colony, November 20, 1832 situated in what are now Fayette and Bastrop Counties.
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Mr. Millett was a member of Captain Moseley Baker's San Felipe Company at San Jacinto and on May 22, 1838 he received Donation Certificate No. 222 for 640 acres of land for having participated in the battle.
The deed Records of Harris County, Book F, page 56, show Mr. Millett and his wife living in Harris County February 13, 1840, when Mr. Millett deeded certain of his slaves to his wife. Mrs. Millett before marriage was Miss Clementina Bartlett of Washington County.
Mr. Millett moved to Seguin where he died November 4, 1863. He signed his will August 12, 1863. Mrs. Millett and Eugene B. Millett were appointed administrators of his estate January 25, 1864. He is buried in a marked grave in Riverside Cemetery, Seguin, Guadalupe County. Near him is buried Almira E. Millett, born August 26, 1849 and died October 26, 1857.
Mrs. Clementina Millett was living in Ellsworth County, Kansas, on July 18, 1885, when she applied for a Veteran's Donation Certificate. She died in Fort Worth, February 1, 1903 at the age of ninety-two.
Children of Mr. And Mrs. Millett were Eugene; Alonzo and Leonidas, twin brothers; Mary; Lottie; Allie; Hiram; and Almira Millett. Allie died at the age of sixteen. Leonidas was killed at the Battle of Gains Mill in Virginia while a member of Company D, Fourth Texas Regiment, Confederate Army.
Miss Jennie Hollamon, writing for the Seguin Enterprise years ago, in describing the Baptist Church and its members in Seguin, said: "Near Mr. Wright sat Mr. Millett, a small, quiet, natural man who now and then wiped his face with his red silk bandanna. He was a good citizen and lived with his family in a two-story concrete house on the present site of the Lutheran Church. A few years later he died with cancer. His home in town was burned in 1867 after the Milletts had moved to their farm seven miles north of town."
Written by Louis W. Kemp, between 1930 and 1952. Please note that typographical and factual errors have not been corrected from the original sketches. The biographies have been scanned from the original typescripts, a process that sometimes allows for mistakes in the new text. Researchers should verify the accuracy of the texts' contents through other sources before quoting in publications. Additional information on the veteran may be available in the Herzstein Library.
Battle Statistics
- Died in Battle: No
- Rank: Private
- Company: Capt. Moseley Baker
Personal Statistics
- Date of Birth: 1799
- Birthplace: Maine
- Came to Texas: 1831?
- Date of Death: 1867 Nov 4
- Burial Place: Riverside Cemetery Seguin, Texas
- Donation Certificate: 222
- Wife: Clementina Bartlett
- Children: Eugene Millett; Alonzo Millett; Leonidas Millett; Mary Millett; Lottie Millett; Allie Millitt; Hiram Millett; Almira Millett
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