The San Jacinto Museum and the San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site is open regular hours beginning Saturday, July 13, 2024.

Part of an old map of the San Jacinto area from the Texas Revolution

Veteran Bio

Texian Location:  Participant

The Kemp Sketch

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McMILLAN, EDWARD -- Born in Ireland in 1814. He was single at the time of the battle of San Jacinto and later received Headright Certificate No. 72 for one-third of a league of land from the Board of Land Commissioners for Robertson County. Having married he was, on March 1, 1838 issued Headright Certificate No. 121 for two-thirds of one league and one labor of land by the Robertson County Board. In this certificate it is stated that he arrived in Texas in January, 1834. He came with his widowed mother, Mrs. Ann McMillan, and her children, Andrew, Frank, and Mary McMillan. Mrs. McMillan settled where the town of Bryan is now located.

Mr. McMillan was a member of Captain James Gillaspie's Company at San Jacinto and on November 16, 1838 he received Donation Certificate No. 603 for 640 acres of land for having participated in the battle. He was issued Bounty Certificate No. 4422 for 640 acres of land November 15, 1838, for his services in the army from March 1 to September 1, 1836. On December 12, 1851 he received Bounty Certificate No. 955 for 320 acres of land for having served in the army from October 27, 1835 to January 5, 1836. The following information concerning him is contained in Comptroller's Military Service Record No. 2466. He enrolled March 9, 1836, and was discharged June 8, 1836, after having served in the companies of Captain John Gafford, Joseph P. Lynch, James Gillaspie, and B J. Ijams. He entered the service as a ranger in Captain Calvin Bole's Company July 25th and was discharged November 25, 1836.

McMillan was married to Ann Marjorie McQuiston. Mr. McMillan died in March, 1865 and is buried in the Camp Creek cemetery eight miles east or Franklin, Robertson County, in an unmarked grave. Mrs. McMillan was born in Tennessee, and died in 1879 and is buried beside her husband. The only surviving child of Mr. and Mrs. McMillan is Noah Warren McMillan, who was married to Lala Daniels. Mr. McMillan lived in Ballinger, Texas. Other children were James, Robert, Jane, who married F. M. Mullins; Lethy, who married John M. Cook; Cyncia, who married Frank Smith; Mandy, who married Mark Ray; Millie Ann, who married Robert Hay (Ray?); and Sam McMillan.

Surviving children of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Warren McMillan were Roy McMillan, lived near Decalb, Texas; Ray McMillan, Franklin; Claude McMillan, who lived in Ballinger; Mrs. T.S. Commander, who lived in Ballinger; Rev. Eddie W. McMillan, who was minister of the Central Christian Church, Nashville, Tennessee; Mrs. Frank Whittlesy, who lived in Wagner, Oklahoma; and Mrs. Clifford Mannings, who lived in San Angelo, Texas.

Written by Louis W. Kemp, between 1930 and 1952. Please note that typographical and factual errors have not been corrected from the original sketches. The biographies have been scanned from the original typescripts, a process that sometimes allows for mistakes in the new text. Researchers should verify the accuracy of the texts' contents through other sources before quoting in publications. Additional information on the veteran may be available in the Herzstein Library.

Battle Statistics

  • Died in Battle: No
  • Rank: Private
  • Company: Capt. James Gillaspie

Personal Statistics

  • Date of Birth: 1814
  • Birthplace: Ireland
  • Came to Texas: 1834 Jan
  • Date of Death: 1865 Mar
  • Burial Place: Camp Creek cemetery, Robertson County, Texas
  • Bounty Certificate: 4422
  • Donation Certificate: 603
  • Wife: Ann Marjorie McQuiston
  • Children: Noah Warren McMillan; James McMillan; Robert McMillan; Jane McMillan Mullins; Lethy McMillan Cook; Cyncia McMillan Smith; Mandy McMillan Ray; Willie Ann McMillay Ray; Sam McMillan