Veteran Bio
The Kemp Sketch
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McINTIRE, THOMAS H. -- Born in Fannettsburg, Franklin County, Pennsylvania. In Book A, Clerks Returns in the General Land Office it is shown that Captain Mclntire received Headright Certificate No. 66 from the Board of Land Commissioners of Jackson in 1838 for a league and labor of land and that in the certificate it was stated that Captain Mclntire came to Texas in February, 1836. The certificate was never returned to the General Land Office. On March 10, 1836 he was elected a First Lieutenant in the army of the Constitutional Convention at Washington-On-the-Brazos.
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Captain Mclntire commanded the Fifth Company of the Second Regiment of Texas Volunteers at San Jacinto. He received Donation Certificate No. 216 dated May 25, 1838 for 640 acres of land for having participated in the battle. He was issued Donation Certificate No. 217 for 960 acres, December 1, 1837 for having served in the army from December 27, 1835 to October 3, 1836.
Captain McIntire was appointed Chief Justice of Jackson County, March 29, 1839 by President Houston, but died before taking the oath of office. In the Probate Records of Jackson County, Book A, page 83, it is shown that on October 9, 1839, his widow, was appointed administratrix of his estate. In her plea to the court she made the following statement: Your Petitioner Rebecca W. McIntire, widow of Thomas H. McIntire, Dec. would respectfully represent to your Hon. Court that in the month of September her late husband came to an untimely death and that he left real and personal property and unfinished business which your petitioner is well aware of if not early attended to will receive considerable loss and injury and that he had no heir in this Republic and that she conceives herself justly entitled to administer the said succession. She would beg your Honorable Court to appoint her administratrix and as in duty bound will ever pray.
Captain McIntire was an uncle of William H. McIntire, first Chief Justice of Goliad County.
Mrs. Rebecca W. McIntire, widow of Captain Mclntire, was married January 30, 1840 to Senator Oliver Jones at the home of Asa Brigham, Treasurer of the Republic by Thomas J. Rusk, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas. Senator and Mrs. Jones died in Houston. Their remains were later removed to the State Cemetery at Austin.
Notes: Thomas H. McIntire---Read Quarterly Vol. 10 page 178. Get---McIntyre, Robert --Mrs. W.S.D. Saunders, Navasota.
Written by Louis W. Kemp, between 1930 and 1952. Please note that typographical and factual errors have not been corrected from the original sketches. The biographies have been scanned from the original typescripts, a process that sometimes allows for mistakes in the new text. Researchers should verify the accuracy of the texts' contents through other sources before quoting in publications. Additional information on the veteran may be available in the Herzstein Library.
Battle Statistics
- Died in Battle: No
- Rank: Captain
- Company: Second Regiment Texas Volunteers
Personal Statistics
- Alternate Names: Thomas M.
- Birthplace: Pennsylvania, Franklin County, Fannettsburg
- Came to Texas: 1836 Feb
- Date of Death: 1839 Sep
- Donation Certificate: 216
- Wife: Rebecca W. McIntire Jones
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