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PERRY, SION WEAR - Revised 1-8-51
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Simeon and Mary Thompson (Wear) Perry had four children, all born in Sevierville, Sevier County, Tennessee:
1. Caroline Frances Perry, born June 23, 1817
2. James Monroe Perry, born June 2, 1818
3. Sion Wear Perry, born February 9, 1820
4. Mary Thompson Wear Perry, born May 23. 1821
(Information furnished by Mr. Columbus Haile, Houston, grandson of James Monroe Perry.)
Sion Wear Perry, mentioned above, arrived in Texas, single in February, 1835, as is shown in Headright certificate No. 22 issued to him February 5, 1838 for one-third of a league of land.
On a roll of Captain William W. Hill’s Company, 1st Regiment, 2nd Brigade of Texas Volunteers under command of Colonel Edward Burleson, at muster April 11, 1836, the following description of S. Perry is given: He was a private; sixteen years of age; five feet, six inches in height; of fair complexion; with hazel eyes and brown hair. He was born in Sevierville, Tennessee and was a farmer by occupation. He is shown as having been enrolled in the Army of Texas, (at the home) of (Asa) Mitchell, (in Washington County) March 2, 1836, by Captain (Joseph P.) Lynch.
Due to an epidemic of measles Captain Hill and many of the men of his command were prevented from taking part in the Battle of San Jacinto. Hill’s company was commanded by Robert Stevenson in the engagement. Mr. Perry was among those who were left at the camp near Harrisburg. Years later, on January 17, 1851, he was issued Donation Certificate No. 259 for 640 acres of land for having been detailed to guard the baggage at the camp opposite Harrisburg on April 21, 1836. On January 20, 1838 he had received Bounty Certificate No. 1961 for 320 acres for having served in the Army from March 5 to August 24, 1836.
After leaving the army Mr. Perry made his home in Grimes County. He was living there February 28, 1838 when he was appointed administrator of the estate of Tapley Holland, who was among those who fell at the Alamo, March 6, 1838, and he remained there, at least, until 1854 when he had his 640 acres of donation land surveyed in that county. He was living in Sumner County, Tennessee October 4, 1875 when he appointed A. R. Crozier of Austin, Texas his attorney to obtain for him an annual pension from the State of Texas of $250. due veterans who had served in the Army of Texas during the days of the Republic, under Acts of August 13, 1870 and April 21, 1874.
PERRY, SION W. – Arrived in Texas in February, 1835, as is shown in Headright Certificate No. 22 issued to him February 5, 1838 for one-third of a league of land.
Mr. Perry’s name does not appear on the San Jacinto rolls printed in 1836 but as S. Perry it is shown on page 35 of the General Land Office rolls as a member of Captain William W. Hill’s company at San Jacinto. In Comptroller’s Military Service Record No. 2034 it is stated that he served in Captain Hill’s company from March 30 to May 30, 1836. On January 20, 1838 he was issued Bounty Certificate No. 1961 for 320 acres of land for his services from March 5 to August 24, 1836. He was issued Donation Certificate No. 259 for 640 acres of land January 17, 1851 for having been detailed to guard the baggage at the camp opposite Harrisburg April 21, 1836. The land was surveyed in Grimes County in 1854. Mr. Perry was living in Grimes county February 27, 1838 when he was appointed administrator of the estate of Tapley Holland.
Mr. S. W. Perry was living in Sumner County, Tennessee, June 23, 1874 as shown in the Pension Papers in the Archives of the Texas State Library from which the following was copied:
State of Tennessee )
Sumner County )
This day personally appeared before me S. Hurmans a Justice of the Peace for said county and State, S. W. Perry with whom I am personally acquainted and made oath in any form of law that he enlisted in the war between Texas and Mexico in 1835 as he now recollects. That he enlisted at Clarksville Red River by Texas for a period oftwo years and he served some six months and was then discharged at Clarksville Texas.
His Captain was named Robert Hamilton, M. D. Colonel was named L. Limms and the general was named Dyer given name not remembered.
He remembers he was attached to war in the service in the Western part of the state. Affiant does not remember the number of the regiment to which he was attached. Affiant now lives in Sumner Co. Tennessee and has for some years.
Affiant was granted a warrant or grant for 640 acres for his services and he refers to that for the correct dates which he cannot now give.
He now asks for such pension as he may be entitled to for his services.
S. W. Perry
Sworn to and Subscribed before
me June 23 1874
S. Hurmans J.P.
S. W. PERRY – Pension No. 1123; June 30, 1874
Austin, Texas, Oct. 16, 1875
No. 1123 $250.00
This certifies that S. W. Perry of Sumner County Tennessee is entitled under Acts of Aug. 13 1870 and April 21, 1874 as an annual pension of Two Hundred & fifty dollars payable in bonds from August 13 1870 to July 1 1874 Said S. W. Perry being 64 years of age, served in army of Republic in 1836. Recrd Bounty Warrant
Shph H. Dardel
Approved Camp Woller
June 30 1874
State of Tennessee )
County of Sumner )
I hereby constitute and appoint A. R. Crosier of the County of Travis and State of Texas for me and in my name to receive from the state of Texas the bonds due me for Services rendered the state of Texas as a soldier in the war which resulted in the separation of Texas from the government of Mexioc, hereby confirming and ratifying alo his act in the premises the laws as if I were present acting for myself – As witness my hand this 4th day of October A. D. 1875
S. W. Perry
J. J. Turman
Geo. W. Allen
State of Tennessee )
Sumner County )
Personally appeared before me, Jesse Cage Clerk of the County Court of said county S. W. Perry the barganer with whom I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged the execution of the following Power of Atty. for the purposes therein Contained.
Witness my hand and seal of office this the 4th day of Oct. 1875
Jesse Cage Clerk
State of Tennessee )
Sumner County )
Personally appeared before me Jesse Cage Clerk of the County Court of said County Jas. Watkins, Jordan Hackney, Jas, K. Taylor, A. J. Rutherford who being duly sworn state that the matters and things set out in their foregoing affidavit is true to the best of their knowledge information and belief.
Witness my hand and seal of office this 4th day of Oct. 1875
Jesse Cage Clerk
James D. Porter, Governor of the state of Tennessee, one of the states of the United States, do hereby certify that Jesse Cage whose official signature is subscribed to the foregoing instrument at the time the same was so subscribed was a legally elected qualified County Court, Clerk for the County of Sumner in said State of Tennessee.
In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my official signature, and have caused the seal of the Stateof Tennessee to be affixed at the Executive Department, in Nashville, on the 9 day of October 1875
Jas. D. Porter
Governor of Tennessee
Chas. W. Gibbs
Secretary of State
State of Tennessee )
County of Sumner )
This day personally appeared Jas. Watkins Jordan Hackney, Jas. K. Taylor, A. J. Rutherford, Wm. M. Martin, All of the County of Sumner and state of Tennessee and made oath that they have been acquainted with S. W. Perry whose name appears to the foregoing power of attorney to A. R. Crosier, from his boyhood—that they recollect his going to Texas more than forty years ago and that since his return from Texas more than thirty years he had had public reputation of having been a soldier in the war which resulted in the Separation of Texas from the government of Mexico, and we are satisfied that he is the identical person who served in the said revolutionary war in which Texas was engaged against Mexico.
Jas. Watkins
Jordan Hackney
Jas. K. Taylor
J. Rutherford
W. M. Martin
State of Tennessee )
County of Sumner )
This day Temper Harris personally appeared before me and made oath that he was a soldier in the revolution which separated Texas from Mexico. That he is personally acquainted with A. W. Perry who signed the foregoing power of Attorney to A. R. Crosier, and that from his Conversations with said Perry he is satisfied from incidents he relates of his Services in the Texas Army—that he is the identical S. W. Perry who served in the war and was engaged fighting the Indians part of the time. Mr. Perry is reported in the neighborhood where he lives to be the same person who was engaged in the said revolution.
Templer O. Harris
J. H. Lambert
L. W. Hodges
Sworn to subscribed before me this 4th Oct. 1875. Seal of office hereto affix.
Jesse Cage Clerk
Sumner Co. Court Tenn.
of doing the same an Acting Justice of the Peace in and for said County having been duly elected and commissioned as such and that his official Acts an entitle to full faith and credit.
Witness my hand and seal of office at Gallatin this 23 day of June 1874
Jesse Cage Clerk
Austin, Texas June 30, 1874
Mr. S. H. Darden Comptroller
I hereby make application for a epnsion under the existing laws of the state, for services as a soldier in the war of the revolution which separated Texas from the government of Mexico.
S. W. Perry
A. R. Crozier
This is to certify that it appears from Bounty Warrant No. 1961 issued by Barnard E. Bee Secretary of War, to S. W. Perry, for 320 acres of land now on file in this office, that the said S. W. Perry served faithfully and honorably in the army of the Republic of Texas, from the 5th day of March until the 24th day of August 1836, and that he was honorably discharged from the service.
In Testimony whereof I here unto set my hand and affix the impress of the seal of said office, the date first above written-- Rhoads Fisher
CHFLek & Acting Commissioner
State of Tennessee )
Sumner County )
I hereby nominate and appoint A. R. Crozier of the City of Austin State of Texas my Attorney in fact for me, and in my name to receive from the comptroller of Said State of Texas the bonds of said State which may be due me as a pension for Services rendered Texas as a Soldier in the war of the “Revolution” which Separated Texas from the Government of Mexico. And I hereby ratify and confirm any act that the said Cozier may do in the premises as if I were present and Acting for myself.
S. W. Perry
State of Tennessee )
Sumner County )
This day came S. W. Perry in proper person before me, and acknowledged the foregoing power of Attorney to be his act and deed for the purposes therein named, and after being duly Sworn Says that he is the identical S. W. Perry who Served as a Soldier in the war which Separated Texas from the government of Mexico. And also came before me. W. H. Jordan and O. G. Watkins who after being duly sworn say that they had known S. W. Perry whose name appears to the foregoing power of attorney for thirty years and that he has always been reputed among his neighbors as the identical S. W. Perry who served as a soldier in the war of the revolution which separated Texas from the Government of Mexico and from all the information we can obtain we believe him to be the the same person.
Sworn & Subscribed to before me in office in Gallatin this 31 of Aug. 1874
S. W. Perry
W. M. Jorden
J. R. Barry Com. O. G. Watkins
Written by Louis W. Kemp, between 1930 and 1952. Please note that typographical and factual errors have not been corrected from the original sketches. The biographies have been scanned from the original typescripts, a process that sometimes allows for mistakes in the new text. Researchers should verify the accuracy of the texts' contents through other sources before quoting in publications. Additional information on the veteran may be available in the Herzstein Library.
Battle Statistics
- Died in Battle: No
- Rank: Private
- Company: [Capt. William W. Hill] at Harrisburg
Personal Statistics
- Alternate Names: Wear
- Date of Birth: 1820 Feb 9
- Birthplace: Tennessee, Sevierville
- Came to Texas: 1835 Feb
- Bounty Certificate: 1961
- Donation Certificate: 259
- Profession: Farmer
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