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Part of an old map of the San Jacinto area from the Texas Revolution

Veteran Bio

Texian Location:  Harrisburg

The Kemp Sketch

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MORRIS, SPENCER - Born in 1818. He is listed on page 41 of the army rolls in the General Land Office as a member of Captain Peyton R. Splane’s company and on page 42 as a member Captain Joseph B. Chance’s Washington Company. (Note: also Texas before 1834 Spencer Morris, Deceased, H R No. 321 1 labor Washington John Morris, adm.)

Mr. Morris was living in Washington County April 7, 1837 when he sold his right to Headright Certificate No. 39 for one-third of a league of land he was entitled to receive to Lewis and Collins. The certificate is missing in the Land Office files. He was issued Bounty Certificate No. 1411 for 320 acres of land November 21, 1853 for having served in the army for a period of three months. He was living in Kerr county December 25, 1853 when he sold the certificate to R. B. Coleman for $80. The certificate is missing in the Land Office files. (Notes: Clerks Returns Book A Texas 1832 H R No. 39 1/3 L Washington one league surveyed in what is now Caldwell county)

Mr. Morris was issued Donation certificate No. 531 for 640 acres of land November 21, 1853 for having been detailed to guard the baggage at the camp opposite Harrisburg, April 21, 1836. He was living in Guadalupe county June 21, 1855 when he sold the certificate to James Manford for $170.

Mr. Morris was a member of the Texas Veterans Association. He was living in Atascosa County July 27, 1881 when he sold a Veterans Donation Certificate that had been issued to him.

The following is from Mr. Morris’ application for a pension May 23, 1874 and to be found in the Pension Papers in the Archives of the Texas Texas State Library, Austin.

The State of Texas

To Stephen H. Darden

Atascosa County


of the State. Your Applicant Spencer Morris respectfully represents that he resides in the aforesaid County and State. And that he is entitled to a pension under the Act of August 13th A. D. 1870 paged in the 12th Legislature for the benefit of the veterans of the revolution in which was gained the independence of Texas, for the reason herein set forth. He swears that he was a citizen of Washington County in the State of Texas, when he enlisted for three months as a member of Captain Chance’s Company which was in the regiment commanded by Col. Edward Burleson, that being in the Army which which was under Genl. Sam Houston as the commander in Chief of the Texas Army.

Your applicant further swears that after the time expired for which he and the other members of that company volunteered their services in the war that he again enlisted in Captain Splane Company, in which he remained until he was honorably discharged and that during that time he was in the battle in the taking of San Antonio in 1835, and continued in the army perforing promtly, the laborious duties of a soldier until after the battle of San Jacinto in which time _______ command he was in, participated being in the year 1836. Several months previous to a discharge your applicant further stated that he claims it important as advotional evidence to exhibit to you a affidavit of W. R. Wood, one of his old commanders in the revolution. You will find in said affidavit herein continued setting forth facts which will convince you in connection with the facts and such information as you may obtain from the records in Austin, his name being on the muster roll of Captain Chance & Splans Companies &c that he is most clearly entitled to a pension under the last act for the benefit of the survivors of said war. Your applicant therefore prays that you may find it consistent with your sums of duty as a public officer to grant him a certificate for a pension as the statements are all confirmed by an oath.

Spencer Morris

Mr. Morris also stated that he was sixty years old in the year 1878.

SPENDER MORRIS -- No. 605 -- June 1874

Pleasanton Texas Aug. 2nd. 1875

Hon. S. H. Darden


Dear Sir:

F. H. Bushick of this place has my power of attorney to collect and sell my pension Script & which is on file in your office I want a copy of it. Will you please send me a true copy of it by return mail with your charges for so doing and I will remit the amount. Please attend to this for me and much oblige Your friend

Spencer Morris


Pleasanton Texas Aug. 14th 1878

S. H. Darden

Comptroller & c

Dear Sir

Enclosed I send you a revocation of my Power of Attorney to F. H. Bushick Please file it with Said Power of Attorney and let it take effect immediately and oblige one who has been imposed upon.

Yours truly

Spencer Morris



Spencer Morris

vs In County Court Atascosa County

The State of Texas Texas

May Term 1878

To the Honl. Judge of said court, The petition of Spencer Morris applicant for a penson from the State of Texas respectfully represents that he is a resident of said county and state and is sixty years of age, that he served as a soldier in the army of the Republic of Texas in the war of Revolution which separated Texas from Mexico, between the commencement of the Revolution at Gonzales in 1835 and the first day of January 1837. That he was a member and served in Capt. Splanes Company in said war, and that all the proof of his servitude in the army of the Republic of Texas entitling him to a pension are on file in the Comptroller’s Office at Austin Texas, and that he is the identical Spencer Morris who served and received pay as a member of aforesaid company and that he resided in Atascosa County ever since 1863 and has been a resident of said County ever since July 1st 1876, and that he is in indigent circumstances ever since said date, that by reason of the premises he is entitled to an annual Pension of $150.00 from the State of Texas to date from July 1 1876 -- in accordance with law, by virtue of an Act of the Legislature of July 28th 1876.

Wherefore he prays that notice of this application be given, that upon the hearing thereof, your Honor cause a certified of this application and the certificate of the Court to the truth of the same to issue to your Petitioner to enable him to procure such pension.

Spencer Morris



State of Texas

Atascosa County

Before me the undersigned Authority personally came Spencer Morris who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is the identical person named as applicant in the annexed and foregoing petition and that all the matters of fact therein stated are true.

Also at the same time came Peter Tumlinson and John Wood credible persons, to me Known, who being duly Sworn each of them depose and say that he is personally acquainted with Spencer Morris the applicant named in the foregoing petition, that he has heard the said petition read and that the matters of fact therein stated are true, according to his knowledge and belief

(Applicant) Spencer Morris

Witness Peter Tumlinson

Witness Jno. Wood

Sworn to and subscribed before me Witness my name and official seal

at office in Pleasanton this 15th day of April A. D. L. S. 1878

A. G. Martin

Clk. Co. Crt. Atascosa Co.

Filed April 15th A. D. 1878

A. G. Martin

Co. Clk. Atascosa Co.

I, A. G. Martin County Clerk of Atascosa County do hereby certify that the above and foregoing writing contains a true copy of the original Application for a Pension made by Spencer Morris and now on file in my office.

Witness my name and seal of office at Pleasanton this 24th day of May 1878 -- A. G. Martin

Co. Clk. Atascosa Co.

By F. M. McCaleb Dept.


No. 45 Spencer Morris

Application for a Pension

vs May 22nd 1878

The State of Texas

This cause coming on to be heard came the plaintiff in person and by his attorney came also the State of Texas by H. D. Marr, Esqr. the County Attorney and the parties announced themselves ready for trial.

The matters in controversy having been submitted to the Court and after a full and impartial hearing of the evidence and agreement of Counsel it is the opinion of the Court that the Applicant herein is entitled to the pension prayed for in his petition-----

It is therefore ordered and adjudged by the Court that the said Applicant Spencer Morris do have and recover of and from the State of Texas the annual sum of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars to be paid quaterly in advance commencing from the first day of July A D 1876 for the term of Plaintiff natural life or so long as he shall remain in indigent circumstances-

The State of Texas

County of Atascosa

I, A. G. Martin County Clerk of Atascosa County do hereby certify that the foregoing writing on the reverse hereof is a true copy of from the minutes of the County Court of said County, entered on the 22nd day of May 1878, in cause No. 45 Styled “Spencer Morris - vs - The State of Texas”, To certify which I hereto sign my name and affix my seal of office in Pleasanton this 25th day of May 1878.

A. G. Martin

Co. Clk. Atascosa Co.

By F. M. McCaleb



State of Texas

Atascosa County

Know all men by these presents that I Spencer Morris of the County and State aforesaid have thisday nominated Constituted and appointed and by these presents do nominate Constitute and Appoint F. H. Bushick of the County & State above written my true and lawfull agent & Attorney in fact for me and in my name place and stead to demand and receive from the Comptroller of State of Texas any and all moneys Bonds Certificates and other evidences from said officer to which I am entitled to as a Pensioner of the war of Revolution which separated Texas from Mexico.

Giving and Granting my said Attorney full Power and Authority to do and to perform each and every thing necessary to be done in the premises to all intents and purposes as if I were present and did the same in person, Hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said attorney shall legally and lawfully do in the premises by virtue of these presents.

Witness my signature this 24th day of May A. D. 1878

Spencer Morris


The State of Texas

County of Atascosa

Before the undersigned Authority personally appeared Sepncer Morris, to me well known who in my presence signed the above Instrument of Writing and declared the same to be his Act and deed for the purposes and considerations therein stated.

In Testimony whereof I hereto sign my name and office of

my seal of Office in Pleasanton this the 24th of May A. D. 1878

F. M. McCaleb

Alk. Dist. Court A. Co.

The State of Texas

County of Atascosa

Know all men by these presents that whereas I Spencer Morris of the State and County above written by my certain power of Attorney bearing date on the 24th day of May 1878 did appoint F. H. Bushick of the same State and County my true and lawful agent and attorney in fact for me and in my name place and stead to demand and receive from the Comptroller of the State of Texas any and all moneys Bonds Certificates and other evidences from said officer to which I am entieled to as a Pensioner of the war of the Revolution which separated Texas from Mexico said Power of Attorney is now on file in said Comptroller’s officer- Therefore Know all men that I Spencer Morris aforesaid have countermanded and revoked and by these presents to countermand and revoke the said Power of Attorney and all power and Authority thereby given to the Said F. H. Bushick together with all other powers and Authority given to him by me for any other purpose.

In testimony whereof I hereunto sign my name at Pleasanton this 14th day of August A. D. 1878

Spencer Morris


The State of Texas

County of Atascosa

Before me A. G. Martin County Clerk in and for Atascosa County personally appeared Spencer Morris to me well known who in my presence signed and delivered the Instrument of writing on the reverse hereof and declared the same to be his Act and deed for the purposes and considerations therein Stated.

In Testimony whereof I hereunto Sign my name and affix the seal of the County Court of Said County at Office in Pleasanton this 14th day of August A. D. 1878

A. G. Martin

Co. Clk. Atascosa Co.


No. 1305 Comptroller’s Office

Austin, Texas, Jan’y 8, 1878

This certifies, That Spencer Morris Atascosa Co. has been enrolled as a PENSIONER under Act Approved July 28, 1876. Pension from Jan’y 1 to March 31 1879 Am’t $37.50 unpaid. Appropriation being exhausted, Warrant cannot issue. Power of Attorney on file to Forster and Co. to Sell

Steph. H. Darduel



The State of Texas

County of Atascosa

We the undersigned County Judge and County Clerk of Atascosa County do hereby certify that Spencer Morris in whose favor an annual Pension was awarded by the County Court of said County at its May Term 1878 is still living and in indigent Circumstances. To certify which was here unto Sign our names and affix the Seal of the County Court of said County at

Pleasanton this 1st day of

January A. D. 1879

Wm. H. Smith

County Judge Atascosa Co.

A. G. Martin

Co. Clk. Atascosa

Messrs Froster & Co. Austin are authorized to collect the above January 1st A. D. 1879

Spencer Morris


W. H. Smith

W. W. Robbins


The State of Texas

County of Atascosa

We the undersigned County Judge and County Clerk of the County and State aforesaid hereby certify that Spencer Morris who obtained a judgment for a pension in the County Court of Said County on the 22nd day of May A. D. 1878 is still living and in indigent circumstances

Witness our hands and the Seal of the County Court of Said County at Pleasanton this 1st day of October A. D. 1878

Wm. H. Smith

County Judge Atascosa County

A. G. Martin

Co. Clk Atascosa Co.


No. 980 Comptroller’s Office

Austin, Texas, Nov. 5, 1878

This Certifies, That Spencer Morris Atascosa Co. has been enrolled as a PENSIONER under Acts Approved July 28, 1876. Pension from July 1 to Dec. 31, 1878 Amt. $75.00 unpaid. Appropriation being exhausted, warrant cannot issue. Power of Attorney on file to _____________________

Steph H. Dardeul



Austin, August 28, 1874

This day personally appeared Wm. Carruthes of Atascosa Co. Texas who being duly sworn says that he knew the Spencer Morris now present of Atascosa Co. Texas in the army of Republic in the year 1835 and I am perfectly satisfied that he was in the service in the yeat 1836. From the fact that he has frequently heard persons say so who were with him in the service in the year 1836. His age is about 56 years.

Sworn and subscribed to before

me this 28 day August 1874 Wm. Caruthers

Steph H. Dardeul


The State of Texas

County of Atascosa

Before me A. G. Martin Clerk of the District Court of said County personally appeared Spencer Morris to me well known who being by me dulysworn upon his oath says that he material facts in the foregoing petition are true to the best of his knowledge and belief and that he signed and swore to the same before me.

Witness my name and the seal of said District Court the office in Pleasanton This 23rd of May 1874

A. G. Martin

Clk. D. CABo.

The State of Texas

San Saba County

On this day personally appeared before the undersigned Authority W. R. Wood to me well known as a credible person and reliable Gentlemen who after being by me duly sworn on oath deposes and says in that he is personally and well acquainted with Spencer Morris who now resides in Atascosa County in said state & has known him for the last forty years. That he served with said Spencer Morris in the Texas war in 1836 in Captain Chance’s company, Col. Ed. Burleson Commanding the regiment. Gen. Sam Houston commander in chief of the Texas Army. That he went with him from the town of Washington in Washington county Texas & remained with him several months until affiant was discharged. When he left said Morris insaid service. Affiant further says that he was informed & beliefs & never heard the statement contradrited that said Spencer Morris was in the battle in the taking of San Antonio in 1835. & also in the army of “San Jacinto” in 1836

W. H. Wood

The above statement was signed and sworn to before me this 25 day of April A. D. 1874

Witness my hand and seal in office in San Saba town Texas this day & you last above written

G. B. Cooke

Notary Public S. S. Co. Texas

Permit No. 1


General Land Office

Austin, Texas

I, J. J. Gross, commissioner of the General Land Office do hereby certify, that the records of this office show, that Spencer Morris served in the Army of the Republic of Texas in the year 1836 that he was detailed to guard the camp at Harrisburg on the 21st of April 1836, and that he received for saif service a Donation Warrant for 640 acres of land which is on file in this office with a survey patenter by virtue of the same.

In Testimony where of I here unto set my hand and affix the impress of the Seal of my office this 28th. day of August A. D. 1874

J. J. Gross


Written by Louis W. Kemp, between 1930 and 1952. Please note that typographical and factual errors have not been corrected from the original sketches. The biographies have been scanned from the original typescripts, a process that sometimes allows for mistakes in the new text. Researchers should verify the accuracy of the texts' contents through other sources before quoting in publications. Additional information on the veteran may be available in the Herzstein Library.

Battle Statistics

  • Died in Battle: No
  • Rank: Private
  • Company: Capt. Joseph Bell Chance

Personal Statistics

  • Date of Birth: 1818
  • Other Battles: Bexar
  • Bounty Certificate: 1411
  • Donation Certificate: 531