The San Jacinto Museum and the San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site is open regular hours beginning Saturday, July 13, 2024.

Part of an old map of the San Jacinto area from the Texas Revolution

Veteran Bio

Texian Location:  Harrisburg

The Kemp Sketch

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McGOWN, SAMUEL - Born in Tennessee, May 12, 1818, a son of John McGown. He was a brother of Rev. Andrew Jackson McGown, a San Jacinto veteran, and probably came to Texas with him in 1835. He was issued Headright Certificate for one-third of a league of land by the San Augustine Board of Land Commissioners Texas 1835. He was living in Grimes County, September 26, 1850 when he sold the certificate to Robert C. Neblett for $200.

Mr. McGown’s name does not appear on the San Jacinto rolls printed in 1836 or one the rolls in the General Land Office of those who were detailed to guard the baggage near Harrisburg. In Comptroller’s Military Service Record No. 6843 signed March 15, 1836 at San Augustine by Captain William Kimbro and countersigned by General Sam Houston July 29, 1836 it is certified that Mr. McGown enlisted in Captain Kimbro’s company March 15, and was discharged at San Augustine June 15, 1836. On January 30, 1853 Mr. McGowan was issued Donation Certificate No. 503 for 640 acres of land for having been detailed to guard the baggage at the camp opposite Harrisburg, April 21, 1836. He was issued Bounty Certificate No. 2588 for 320 acres of land _________ for having served in the army from March 15 to June 15, 1836.

Mr. McGown was living in Grimes County March 19, 1853 when he sold his donation certificate to A. J. McGown for $100. From the Pension Papers in the General Land Office it is learned that Mr. McGown was born May 12, 1818, was living at Columbus, Coloardo County, July 20, 1871 and that he died in Fayette County, October 9, 1874.

The following was copied from the Pension Papers:

La Grange October 29th, 1870

This is to certify that I was a member of Capt. Kimbro’s Company at the battle of San Jacinto that I joined said company the latter part of February and served for the term of three months. That our company was ordered after the battle of San Jacinto to report to San Augustine as Gen. Sam Houston’s life Guard and did so report I being with them and in active service. Capt. Wm. Kimbro’s company belonged to the 2nd Texas Regiment Col. Sidney Sherman commanding, and were present and in active service at the time of the battle of San Jacinto. I was discharged from service at San Augustine by Gen. Sam Houston when my timeexpired. I also started in 1842 on the Mier expedition and when near the Rio Grande was send home because my health was such as to render me unfit for duty. I have that perlough now in my possession which reads as follows vil, “Nov. 20th 1842

This is to certify that Sam McGown a private in Capt. Bowen’s

company of Texas Militia is unfit for immediate duty as a soldier

and is therefore entitled to a respite from service with the

privilege of returning home.

(signed) C. G. Thunan Surg.

1st Reg.

Wm. Bowen Capt, Co. A )

Bennetts Command )

My discharge and certificates upon which I drew my bounty and donation land are on file in the General Land Office at Austin.

Any further information that is desired will be cheerfully given. My age is fifty two on the tweleth day of May 1870. My present residence is in Columbus Colorado County on the waters of the Colorado River.

Samuel McGown


The State of Texas )


County of Fayette )

Personally appeared before me the undersigned Authority Saml. McGown of said County and state the above applicant for Pension who after being by me duly sworn upon his oath says, that he was a soldier in the army of Texas from sometime about the last days of February 1836, and remained in Active Service three months and was amember of Captain William Kimbro company and Col. Sydney Shermans Regiment up to and prior to the close of the battle of San Jacinto after the Battle of San Jacinto Capt. Kimbro’s company was ordered to Red Fish Bar to meet Gen. Sam Houston to act as body guard, from there we were ordered to report at San Augustine which we did, and I was honorabley discharged by Genl. Sam Houston after the expiration of the three months for which I joined the Service. At San Augustine, I subsequently joined the Meir expedition but owing to ill health, was discharged west of San Antonio. For further particulars I refer you to the Land Office, where I obtained my land Certificate for 320 acres for 3 months service and 640 acres of land for being at the battle of San Jacinto. My age is fifty one years and is a resident of afore said County.

Saml. McGown

Sworn to and Subscribed before this the 30th day of October A. D. 1870

R. Y. McAsham

Notary Public Fayette County Texas


The State of Texas )


County of Fayette )

This day personally came before me, E. H. Fordtran, a Notary Public in and for the County & State aforesaid, Mrs. E. I. McGown, of said state and county, who being duly sworn deposes & says that she is the widow of Samuel McGown, who died in the county of Fayette State of Texas, on the 9th day of October, 1874 in that her said husband, deceased, was the identical Samuel McGown who served in Captain Kimbro’s Co. at the battle of San Jacinto, on April 21, 1836, & on the part of Texas; and that her said husband was the identical Samuel McGown who applied for pension from the state of Texas under the laws of Aug. 13, 1870 & April 21, 1874.

Also at the same time came L. G. Robinson who being duly sworn says that he is a citizen of the county of Fayette State of Texas, that he knew Samuel McGown, who applied for pension to the State of Texas, that he died in the county of Fayette State of Texas on or about the 9th day of October, 1874, that he frequently heard him say that he was in Capt. Kimbro’s Co at the Battle of San Jacinto, & that he has ever good reason to believe that he so served in the Texas army & was justly entitled to pension at the time of his death. That he knows Mrs. E. I. McGown, the first affiant, & knows that she was the wife & is the widow of said Samuel McGown.

E. J. McGown

L. G. Robinson

Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 2nd day of August 1870—

and I further certify that Mrs. E. I. McGown and L. G. Robinson,

both of the above affiants, are reputable persons & entitled to

full faith & credit.

Witness my hand & Seal of office this 2nd day of Augst. 1876

E. H. Fordtran

N. P. F. C.

SAMUEL MCGOWN - No. 6843 - 15th March 1836 - Comptroller Military Service Records.

San Augustine 15 June 1836

This is to certify that S. McGown joined my Volunteer company on the 15th of March last since which time he has Honorably discharged his duty to himself and his county and is this day Honorably Discharged.

Wm. Kimbro Capt.

Sam Houston

29th July 1836 Comd in Chief


Auditor’s Office

Houston, March 6th, 1838

This day came Sam McGown and says the annexed instrument is just, true and original, and the only one that he has offered for lequidation; that he owes the government nothing on his own account, or on account of any other person.

Sworn to before

O. W. Wilson Act. Auditor

The State of Texas

Colorado County

Before me the undersigned Authority personally came Samuel McGown, to me well known, and made oath to and subscribed his name to the foregoing declaration on this the 20th day of July A. D. 1871.

Witness my hand and Seal of the District Court of Colorado

County, at Office in the City of Columbus date above written.

Geo. S. Ziegler Clk. D. C. C’ C.

By L. M. Jones, Deputy


The State of Texas

County of Grimes

Personally appeared before the undersigned Authority Anderson Buffington a creditable citizen of said state, to me each known, who after being, by me, duly sworn, on his oath, says: That he knows of his own knowledge that Samuel McGown was a soldier in the army of Texas in the year 1836: That he about years old, and now a resident of Colorado County, in said State: And that he is justly entitled to a epnsion for services under the Act granting pensions approved August 13, 1870; that he belonged to Captain Kimbro’s company of the second regiment, commanded by Colonel Thomass A. Bufflington

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 31st day of De. 1870 Anderson in the County of Grimes State of Texas

J. L. Dienson

Clerk Dc. Gc.

The State of Texas

County of McLennan

I, J. B. Crain, a resident of McLennan County Texas upon my oath do declare that Saml. McGown was a member of the company commanded by Capt. Wm. Kimbrew in the Regiment commanded by Col. Sidney A. Sherman in the War for independence, well known as the Texas revolution – I do further declare upon my oath that he the said Saml. McGown was a member of said company and Regiment prior to the Battle of San Jacinto and in the 1836.

I. B. Crain

The State of Texas

County of McLennan

Before me the undersigned Authority personally came J. B. Crain to me well known, and made Oath to, and subscribed the foregoing declaration on this the 15th day of October A. D. 1870

O. W. Lelanel

Notary Public in and for McLennan County Texas.


The State of Texas

County of Travis

George Hancock being duly sworn upon his oath says, that he is well acquainted with the Applicant Samuel McGown—That he netered the Army of the Texas revolution as a private in the company commanded by Capt. William Kimbro about the last day of February 1836 under the command of Col. Sidney Sherman—That he served in the battle of San Jacinto and was honorably discharged by Genl. Sam Houston at the expiration of the three months Service.


Sworn to and Subscribed before me at Austin City December 19, 1870

Elbridge Perry

Notary Public Travis County Texas

SAMUEL McGOWN – Pension records No. 1149 - June 27, 1871

The State of Texas ) Affidavit


County of Fayette )

Personally came beforeme the undersigned Authority, George Robinson, to me known, who being duly sowrn deposes and says that he knows Mrs. E. I. McGown the widow of Samuel McGown, deceased, who applied for pension under the laws of 1870 & 1874, State of Texas, that said Samuel McGown died in the County of Fayette, Texas, about Oct. 9, 1874, & that said Mrs. E. I. McGown is the widow of Said Samuel McGown and she now resides in Fayette County, Texas, & that said Samuel McGown was the identical person of that name who so applied for pension.


Sworn to and subscribed before me this August 22, 1876

E. H. Fordtran

N. P. F. C.

Written by Louis W. Kemp, between 1930 and 1952. Please note that typographical and factual errors have not been corrected from the original sketches. The biographies have been scanned from the original typescripts, a process that sometimes allows for mistakes in the new text. Researchers should verify the accuracy of the texts' contents through other sources before quoting in publications. Additional information on the veteran may be available in the Herzstein Library.

Battle Statistics

  • Died in Battle: No
  • Rank: Private
  • Company: [Capt. William Kimbro] detailed to guard baggage

Personal Statistics

  • Date of Birth: 1818 May 12
  • Came to Texas: 1835
  • Date of Death: 1874 Oct 9
  • Bounty Certificate: 2588
  • Donation Certificate: 503
  • Wife: E. I. McGown